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WOOP wird weltweit in über 100 Ländern eingesetzt. Jede Erfahrung mit WOOP ist besonders. Auf dieser Seite erzählen Menschen von ihren Erfahrungen mit WOOP.

Haben Sie selbst Erfahrungen mit WOOP gemacht, die Sie mit uns teilen möchten? Wir freuen uns darauf, von Ihnen zu hören!



WOOP ist über 30 Berufsjahre hinweg die größte Bereicherung meiner Arbeit als Ernährungstherapeutin

Der Vortragstitel „Gesundheitsmotivation“ hat mich 2006 auf MCII (später WOOP) aufmerksam gemacht. WOOP ist über 30 Berufsjahre hinweg die größte Bereicherung meiner Arbeit als Ernährungstherapeutin mit übergewichtigen und adipösen Menschen. Mit WOOP kommen meine Klient*innen in vielen kleinen Aspekten des alltäglichen Essens vom Wünschen zum Tun. Und noch besser, sie üben mit mir, wie es ihnen dann auch allein gelingt. WOOP zu nutzen, hilft meinen Klient*innen neugierig und ehrlich mit sich umzugehen, um aus ihrem unendlich großen Erfahrungsschatz den eigenen Weg zur besseren Ernährung und Gesundheit heraus zu finden. Wie oft kommen sie mit einem Strahlen in die nächste Sitzung und sagen: „Na klar, es hat geklappt!“ – Was will ich mehr?

Ute Hantelmann, Mitglied der Zentrale für Ernährungsberatung e. V., Hamburg

Klasse und sehr wirkungsvoll

Einfach "nur" klasse und sehr wirkungsvoll, diese "Methode", die mir jetzt schon weitergeholfen hat, denn die von Ihnen gestellten Fragen haben in meinem Unterbewußtsein, die letzten Tage "gearbeitet" und haben mich, zu erstaunlichen Antworten und Handlungsentscheidungen geführt.

Ralf Dengler

Ich denke, dass ich WOOP nun täglich anwenden werde

Hallo. Ich bin 76 und kenne WOOP erst seit drei Tagen. In dieser Zeit habe ich dreimal gewoopt mit unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen: Das erste Mal lief alles wie geplant ab mit optimalem Ergebnis.
Das zweite Mal ergaben sich unerwartete Veränderungen von außen, die aber durch die geplante Einstellung gegenüber inneren Hindernissen erstaunlich gut abgefedert wurden.
Das dritte Mal war der Ablauf weitgehend offen. Alles fügte sich dann wie durch ein Wunder zu einem perfekten Ereignis, das mir viel Freude bereitete. Ich denke, dass ich WOOP nun täglich anwenden werde, um jeden Tag etwas Besonderes zu erleben.

Roland Fleckinger, Rentner

Danke dass Sie die WOOP-Methode erfunden haben

Ich mache die W O O P I D O O P I Methode, wenn es eng wird. Eigentlich die WOOP Methode nach Frau Dr. Gabriele Oettingen und dann sag ich mir: "Wenn ich zu faul bin, mir etwas sehr Wichtiges zu erledigen, dann sag ich mir ganz freundlich: Mach´s jetzt gleich, dann ist es jetzt gleich erledigt!" Ihnen weiterhin alles, alles Gute!

Rudi Strele, Kabarettist und Gesundheitspapst, Österreich


Ich wollte einfach nur mal Danke sagen ... ich woooooope gerne und es bringt einfach wirklich viel.

W. Müller

Because of this technique, I was able to transform my life.

I was a really shy, lazy and unproductive person. I had a lot of fears like public speaking or talking with girls of my age. I feared to put my self out of my comfort zone and do the things that I knew if I did will make me a better person. I was really frustrated and disappointed in my self. Then in 2018, I landed on this site Here I learned about the WOOP technique by Dr. Oettingen. I decided to try it out for a change. After a few months of daily practicing this technique. I began to find progress. I was able to talk on stage (which was a frightening experience) and make some female friends. My social circle got bigger and I was no longer a shy person. Soon I applied this technique to other areas of my life. I had a desire to start my own website about books. I love reading books. Self-help books have helped me many times. But I wanted other people to experience these too. So I created a website called Readersvilla. Which I created after waiting for a year and a half. I now feel really happy and fulfilled. My aim is to spread awareness about reading books and learning from other successful people that will help us to become successful as well. I want to thank you Dr. Oettingen. Because of this technique, I was able to transform my life.

Lalit Thakre (Website owner of, India)

I like to end a therapy session with WOOP

Thank you so much for your wonderful presentation at WMHC last month. I look forward to deepening my understanding and use of mental contrasting with my current caseload. It's been very helpful so far and my clients are remarking that it really helps them to focus on the goal-oriented tasks that are within their reach. It's been a great way to help my clients to identify their goals, have honest conversations about the barriers that might get in the way, and make significant progress toward their desired outcomes. I like to end a session with WOOP because I find that it's helpful to end with a sense of calm and control about the coming week. I help them to slow down and complete the app, and then we recap what it felt like. It's wonderful.

Jennifer Uhrlass (Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Modern MFT, New York City)

Thank you so much for sharing this incredible technique!

I read your book a couple of weeks ago and I have been experimenting over the last two weeks with very satisfying results. I've been eating much more fruit and drinking much less wine and I am wooping daily (I even have a WOOP for a daily WOOP practice). I have been soul searching for the last 5 years trying to find out why I consistently seem to underachieve despite my best intentions. I have been really frustrated and felt really stuck. I love your method because it is based on empirical research but also because it fits in with some Buddhist mindfulness teachings which remind us to love and accept every part of ourselves, good and bad. WOOP is a kind of self-love practice for me. On top of that, when I think back over my life, my successes fit into the WOOP model in the sense that on those occasions I didn't get carried away with big a dream - there was a sense of reality to how I set about those tasks.
So thank you - WOOP really makes sense to me intellectually, experientially and even spiritually. 

Alex Kemp

Thank you for sharing this wonderful strategy

Thank you for sharing this wonderful strategy and for making it available to the world. I work for a mindfulness-based non-profit where I provide professional development for teachers around self-care and wellness. One of the things I have noticed in my work is that people truly do want to make changes in their habits and lifestyles but they do not have the right tools. I found WOOP and decided to try it with some of my teachers. They loved it!

Maura Salisbury (Program Manager, United States)

WOOP helped me to understand and face the reality 

I’m Chinese and it was so lucky for me to learn of WOOP in my hard times. WOOP helped me to understand and face the reality, get out of the comfort zone and finally start a new job. I had stayed in my last company for about ten years. The company was losing competitiveness gradually with a new management team, and most of my colleagues were not focusing on their jobs. Therefore, I felt anxious about my career. However, I was afraid of leaving the company and making decisions. In my difficult time, I joined a psychological course, and read your book. I successfully applied WOOP to some of everyday work at first and then used it to change my sluggish condition, and it worked beyond my expectation.   

Teresa, Public relations department manager, China

I was immediately intrigued and motivated to learn more

I was lucky enough to see Dr. Oettingen speak at my conference last week (AASP) and was immediately intrigued and motivated to learn more. I downloaded the kit and hope that I can use it in my professional life as well as teach my students how to use it with their future exercise clients. Thank you so much for all of the great information.

Lindsey Greviskes, Assistant Professor at University of Wisconsin-Whitewat

WOOP is the most memorable and successful strategy I have used so far

I have used many processes to help my clients define and achieve their goals. But WOOP has got to be the most memorable and quite frankly the most successful one I have used to far. My clients like it because they can remember it easily. I like it because it gently but firmly helps my clients to look internally at the obstacles they put in their way rather than finding all sorts of external obstacles to blame.

Briony Liber, Career development and leadership coach (Johannesburg, South Africa)

I love your WOOP work-I'm sharing it wherever I go!

I use WOOP with second graders to improve self-control and with high school students who want to procrastinate less or be less anxious. I use it personally so I don't eat after 9 pm (my big obstacle to my weight loss). I have shared WOOP in many of my workshops in helping adults and children change, and the audience is always very intrigued by WOOP.

Dr. Caren Baruch-Feldman

WOOP is my preferred way to solve simple problems!

WOOP is my preferred way to solve simple problems in my life and to beat anxiety. I first learned WOOP in 2013 to teach it to adolescents in school, but quickly adopted it as an effective way to achieve my goals in graduate school and elsewhere. So for three plus years I WOOP almost every day and find it greatly reduces my anxiety about my daily tasks and responsibilities. I even have FUN doing things I normally put off! I love that it involves free thoughts and imagination, and I can do it while I am on the bus or almost anywhere. Recently I taught it to my coworkers who said that it helped them get work projects done with ease. I use it for work, for school, for health, and for my relationships to get unstuck when I feel anxious about tasks or unsure of what to do next.

If you are interested in learning a simple way to get started on difficult tasks or just want to get to know yourself and your habits better, WOOP is it. If your experience is anything like mine, you will feel calmer, more present, and energized when you go about your day-to-day responsibilities and endeavors. Or you might just find that what you thought you wished for in the first place was not as important to you as you once thought. Either way, the self-knowledge I gain with WOOP means I am more engaged, less anxious, and feel better equipped to take on the normal challenges of life.

Tobias Leuthner, Graduate Student

Thank you!

Thank you for adding WOOP in my personal and professional life

Kristina Bulik-Hocum, Life and Work Coaching

A Year of WOOP!

"I am excited to report that I have now been living with WOOP daily and building it into my personal and professional practice. The 40-year-old health related issue I have had has been ‘solved’ using WOOP, and I remain as excited by the process a year on as I was the day I ‘found’ it.

Congratulations as well on the book which I bought as soon as published and which I have personally recommended to many others! What still staggers me about the framework, even today is how ‘deceptively’ simple it is, and yet how it continues to work at such a deep level."

James Nelson, Counsellor

Thank you!

"I've been fairly successful off and on and overcome some extreme challenges, but I didn't realize that I had a method to my greatest achievements. Before I found WOOP, I committed to walking across the US to raise support for a charity, and figure this whole commitment thing out. I used the best personal development systems I know and got myself to commit to the walk. 500 days, five near death experiences and 4600 miles later, I finished. There was a lot I wanted to get myself to do on that walk, but for one reason or another couldn't. After I had finished, I had the exact same problem. There was something different between when I committed to my walk than when I tried to commit to rebuild my business, or even exercise regularly.

Like any highly analytical person, I dove into research. I stopped looking at the self-help and success gurus and started looking for the science. That's when I found your WOOP site. I read the studies on the site, used the app a bit, even remade the audio, so it works better for me personally, and integrated some NLP techniques that have helped me in the past with the WOOP session. Since using WOOP regularly, I've made massive strides in my professional and personal life. Moved to NYC, restructured my parent's business, gotten two new businesses started, started exercising regularly, found a new group of friends in New York, and lost 5 lbs. All of that in the last three weeks. I've got ways to go with everything still, but I'm confident I can do it all, now that I have a system".

Stephen Hnilica

Hi WOOP Team!

"It’s great to learn of WOOP! I am a semi-retired pharmacist in Atlanta...looking for meaningful work projects and looking for ways to add to my current volunteer activity....Thanks for offering WOOP to me!"

Chip Robinson

Rethinking Positive Thinking

"Rethinking Positive Thinking is a pleasure to read—clearly and compellingly argued, logically organized, and well-suited for all those seeking a way to help themselves without defaulting to the tired tropes often found in self-help books. WOOP offers actionable steps that are applicable to many situations, are easy to follow, and have been proven effective by decades of studies".

Xian Gu, Managing Editor, Routledge Psychology (Taylor & Francis Publishers)

Such a relief!

"In this particular instance, I was struggling (with a recurring theme) that when something important but hard is overdue, I sometimes procrastinate up to and beyond deadlines to avoid the painful pressure. By imagining myself fixing the situation, and substituting doing something simple for something complex, I got started along the path of completion, and that alone caused me to become sufficiently engaged to get the difficult assignment started, and then momentum carried me through to completion. Such a relief! And it also led to an important insight about myself, that positive thinking alone has sometimes had the opposite effect on motivation.

I finished the book this weekend and now can truly appreciate the thorough research behind the WOOP method, with the full explanations given for why it carefully structured as it is. Wow, I had no idea how thoroughly the method has been tested and proven out over the years. Being immersed in a culture of "positive thinking Americans" :-), this is truly a great contribution for turning words and ideas into positive action. I never understood that positive thinking could often have the opposite effect and stymie action. Understanding at the very first step that it is important that the best wishes engender an expectation of future success is a great insight, and when they don't, understanding that those wishes may need to be modified.  How mental contrasting works, and how implementation intentions further increase motivation is excellent knowledge.  And having experienced it firsthand just validates what has been carefully researched. I look forward to applying WOOP more and more. It is truly a great contribution that I'm sure will withstand the test of time as people become more aware of it".

Tom Schroeder


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